You'll find, as you go deeper down this particular rabbit hole, that guns cause friends...not crime. - Me


Ahh, Sleeplessness.

Well, that sums up my day today, with 4:30 PM rapidly approaching (about the time I trundle back off to the saltmines) it looks like I'll be a tired boy tonight at work.

That said, I'll explain for those that don't already know. I work over the weekend, nights to be specific, and thru the week when I'm off I try to maintain that pattern. I usually end up screwing that up by Thursday and this week was no different. In spite of the fact that when I was on day-shift I could keep that up all week with no problem (I'm a night-owl till I need to be, go figure.) Anyway, slept about 2 hours yesterday morning, stayed awake till about 6:00PM and then took a bit longer nap than I intended and awoke at 10:00PM rather well rested. So it'll be right at a 27 hour day for me by the time I crawl back into bed sometime after 5:00AM tomorrow morning. Even though I'll be getting heavy-eyed around 8:00 tonight.

Yay insomnia! The uptight, snobby, (redacted).

And hows your day going?

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